Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Having a Lovely Time.

So, the title says it all, really. I was out for dinner with the English teachers last night, and I can honestly say that I love them all :) They're all so kind and nice and funny, and they paid for my dinner, which I did not expect! And on the way home, Olivier told me that all the English teachers feel so lucky to have me as an assistant, and that they're all so glad I'm here. >.< There are no words! I just feel so incredibly lucky to have been placed here, with such lovely people!

Things have all been going really well; I've been reading posts on the Assistants in France website, and they all seem to be having an awful time of it, which makes me sad. I almost want to post sharing my experience, to give hope to all the poor people applying for next year! But then it might make the ones having a bad time even more depressed, which I don't want to do! Maybe the best thing is to be quietly grateful and send good thoughts to those less lucky in their placement.

I'm off today, and have so far done some washing and hung it all around the studio in the hope that it'll dry in the next two days, as the tumble dryer was occupied! I REALLY need to tidy this place too, for wee Caroline coming!! I have found a bluebottle hanging around the kitchen bin, which will soon meet its doom. Mwaha. Then, some shopping! I have the ambition of finding some NICE wine to bring home; so far I've picked three pretty horrible-tasting bottles from the supermarket, so I'm going to venture into some of the "Specialities of Berry" shops and ask for some wine advice!

It's only two days till I go home!! Though at the minute I'm PRAYING that the trains will be running normally on Friday. I'm getting the only train that goes from Chateauroux to Charles de Gaulle, so I reeeeaallly hope it isn't cancelled; I don't fancy trying to negotiate a suitcase through the Paris metro trying to get from some other randon station to CDG...

This might be the last time I post an entry for a while, so I'll say goodbye for now!

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