Saturday, 26 March 2011

Things I Will Do When I Come Home

*double post* How exciting!

1. I will go for a lovely, sunny picnic in Stormont part with Caroline, Rachel and Mea. She will share the sandwiches.

2. I will re-enact the Epic Muck Up Day trip to Crawfordsburn with Hayleigh Morrison, Laura Morrow, Shona Jemphrey, Fiona Graham and Sarah Rountree. This time, there will be music AND West Coast Cooler. And we will not almost crash in the car park while attempting a three-point turn.

3. I will embark upon a Road Trip with the above persons, most likely to the North Coast. We will have a blast.

4. I will partake in a Daytime Pub Crawl, possibly involving the above persons, should they wish to come (!).

5. I will go to Banbridge, and show Caroline how to get there :)

6. I will go to China China with Chris. We will sit downstairs, and eat our dessert in a leisurely fashion.

7. I will also go to Horatio Todd's with Sarah Menice and Holly Coles. The waiter will bring the right cocktails this time.

8. Chris and I will walk to the very end of Bangor promenade and back. On the sand. With no shoes on.

9. I will take Rachel 17th Birthday present shopping, and inevitably spend an indecent amount of money.

10.  Chris and I will go to the zoo. We will make it in time to feed the lemurs. Oh yes, we will.

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