Well, today has been a bit of a gem for Teaching Moments. First the girl who didn't know Joan of Arc was French (see below), and then, after a nice peaceful lunch, I had a Moment that will forever live in my memory.
I had my last ever class with the Terminale STG - awww - and I continued my very successful lesson plan of putting a load of random words on the board and letting them write a story using them. It worked to great effect with the STG last week; they came up with some brilliant stuff and I was dead proud of them, so I was planning to milk this plan for all it's worth!
So, this half of the STG group consists of five girls (two of which never speak) and one boy, who is a bit cheeky, and likes to show off in front of all the girlies. He spent about ten minutes once trying to convince me that blunts didn't contain weed, and are perfectly legal (aye right!), and, when asked for vocab associated with Valentine's Day, shouted "SEX," while grinning proudly. But I digress. I set the class to work on their stories, giving them 45 minutes to write and saving 15 minutes to have them read them out at the end.
When the time was up, the two girls who never speak mumbled something, for which I praised them enthusiastically (as it was the first time I had been given any evidence they even understood what I have been saying to them for seven months), and the three other girls read their stories, all of which were rather good. Then it was our boy's turn. He began his tale with a wife encountering her husband in bed with "two weeman nekkid." Well, I knew what we were in store for from that moment. He continued with the wife going to a sex counsellor/doctor, to find out if the reason her husband cheated was because she wasn't good enough in bed. The doctor assured her she was "veerry beyootiful," and took her for a drink. (Cue suppressed giggling from the girls, and a cheeky grin from our proud story teller). Cut to the next day, back in the doctor's office, he says he is convinced there is nothing wrong with her, as she proved last night. The wife goes back to the husband and says, "You cheat, I cheat, let's have kids." Fin.
Now, maybe it's because I went to an all girls school, and nobody thought to write about sex in class. Or maybe it was because our French teacher was the sweetest prude in the world, and none of us would dare to shatter her beautiful little mind with dirty teenage humour. But I have never heard such boldness in a classroom in my life (including yesterday, when a seconde announced, "I can't write a f**king thing!"). But I couldn't hold in a giggle of my own. He finished with such a delighted expression on his face, I couldn't help but tell him it was my favourite story of the week.
I'm gonna miss that boy, and his lewd genius. Le sigh.