Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Summing Up.

Top Ten Christmas List;

1. BEING HOME. I have never been so glad to see rainy, snowy Belfast. The weather, the chavs, the surly bus drivers; I love them all.

2. FAMILY. Mum, Dad, Girls, Chris. Wonderful :)

3. My AWESOME NEW BEDROOM. Imagine my surprise to find that, in my six week absence, my parents had redecorated my room, transforming it into a Boudoir Extraordinaire. Purple, black and sparkly, with fairy lights and glass-topped units. I cried.

4. ANIMALS. Oh, how I've missed the little doggies and kitty-cat. Tabitha's snuggly, purry furriness was awesome, and Mea has grown into a ginger rascal; I don't think I received a more enthusiastic (or wetter) greeting upon my homecoming.

5. FOOD. What more can I say? Dad's Christmas dinner was Outstanding. I have put on three stone.

6. CHRISTMAS DAY. I must say, it has become such that I look forward to giving gifts more than receiving them. I think my choices went down pretty well this year; Tiffany's necklace, Ugg boots and a London trip, to name a few ;)

7. BOXING DAY. Ayn's house. Home made chocolate fudge cake. Kinnect bowling. There are no more words.

8. NEW YEAR'S EVE. Chris's house. Daytime drinking, DVDs, Jules Holland, champagne and bizarre foghorn sounds at the stroke of midnight. What more could one ask for?

9. NEW YEAR'S DAY. Helen's house for a surprise visit. The purchase of a purple starry dressing gown. Lovely food (again), tea aplenty, a Stolen Scarf and seeing the Lads. Joy.

10. GENERAL HAPPINESS. What can I say? A perfect Christmas, in every way. Except one. That it had to end! Bring on next year!!!

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